We just got back from Michigan. We were up north for about a week. It was a fabulous trip full of relaxation, multiple family baby-sitters, yummy food and the summer weather that you can only get in Michigan. We went up for Hannah's high school graduation open house which was a big hit, and it will be just a couple of months before Hannah is heading down to attend Georgetown College and live in Knight Hall. We also got to go and visit Natalie's sister Kerri and Rob's new baby, Sophia. She was adorable and we had a blast taking pictures with both babies.
Many people have asked how it was traveling with Anna Mae??? Well the trip up was seamless, she only woke up to eat. Going back home was another story. Our drive back from Grand Rapids should have taken about 6 hrs and 15 minutes...Well, it took at least 8 1/2 hrs, lots of crying, stopping, diaper changes and Natalie did her best in the back seat to please Anna. It has definitely changed my perspective on traveling.
We have only been home for a day or two, but we are trying to get back in the swing of things as I am back at work and going to the University of Louisville 2 nights a week right now. On those days I don't get home until 10 p.m. and it is especially hard to look Anna in the eyes and realize that I was gone all day. Natalie is still home from work and does not anticipate returning until the last week of July.It was wonderful to see some of the old crew in Grand Rapids, we definitely miss you all. Much love, Anthony

Pictures: Baby Addison- Jason and Michele's little girl, Grandpa Mayes in one shot with Anna, the boys, Grand Rapids friends, Sophia and Anna together