While Natalie's family was down from Michigan, one of their desires was to plant a new tree in honor of the birth of Anna. In addition, they
would plant a similar tree in Michigan upon their return. I appreciated the thoughtful gift and therefore shall share the additional sign of life and hope in our backyard. I have also been working on the ski slope of a backyard we have and instead of installing a chair lift and hoping for large amounts of snow, I decided to terrace our backyard, organic style. I used pieces of wood that I hope will rot over time to assist with soil richness, have planted some low maintenance grasses, evergreen and ivy for ground cover and uncovered some natural hillside rocks during the tilling process. In other news, Andrew Smith came by Thursday evening to visit with us which was exciting. My hope is we can talk Autumn and Andrew into buying a home in our neighborhood. Briana came over Friday evening and brought us a tasty dish of whole wheat pasta covered in tomatoes, onions, spices and mozarella cheese. Anna spit up on Briana which was not cool Anna! She reacted we believe to our first try at giving her liquid vitamins which the doctor told us to do. Anna apparently is not a big fan of vitamins, so we shall try to give them to her at a different time during the day. Anna's doctor appointment on Friday was fantastic. She is up to 6 lbs and 3.5 ounces. She was 2 weeks old yesterday and has definitely surpassed her birth weight of 5 lbs, 12 ounces.
Natalie and I watched the movie "Winter Passing" last night, very weird, very interesting, worth seeing if you enjoy Sundance Film Festival Style movies, not a pick me up though. Great acting, included Will Ferrell. Tonight Bryan and Anthony will watch the Pistons beat the Cavaliers. I shall chear with cave man like, survival groans in hopes that LeBron is smothered and scores about 6 points. It is my hope that Ray in Michigan will also be on the edge of his recliner yelling at the t.v. in unison with Bryan and I in Kentucky, that goes for you too Dave in Michigan...
Love yall,